www.gusucode.com > ROCKOA PHP协同办公OA办公系统 v2.0PHP源码程序 > ROCKOA PHP协同办公OA办公系统 v2.0/rockoa_v2.0/rockoa_v2.0/webrock/extjs/ux/grid/filter/BooleanFilter.js

 * Boolean filters use unique radio group IDs (so you can have more than one!)
 * <p><b><u>Example Usage:</u></b></p>
 * <pre><code>
var filters = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters', {
    filters: [{
        // required configs
        type: 'boolean',
        dataIndex: 'visible'

        // optional configs
        defaultValue: null, // leave unselected (false selected by default)
        yesText: 'Yes',     // default
        noText: 'No'        // default
 * </code></pre>
Ext.define('Ext.ux.grid.filter.BooleanFilter', {
    extend: 'Ext.ux.grid.filter.Filter',
    alias: 'gridfilter.boolean',

	 * @cfg {Boolean} defaultValue
	 * Set this to null if you do not want either option to be checked by default. Defaults to false.
	defaultValue : false,
	 * @cfg {String} yesText
	 * Defaults to 'Yes'.
	yesText : 'Yes',
	 * @cfg {String} noText
	 * Defaults to 'No'.
	noText : 'No',

     * @private
     * Template method that is to initialize the filter and install required menu items.
    init : function (config) {
        var gId = Ext.id();
		this.options = [
			Ext.create('Ext.menu.CheckItem', {text: this.yesText, group: gId, checked: this.defaultValue === true}),
			Ext.create('Ext.menu.CheckItem', {text: this.noText, group: gId, checked: this.defaultValue === false})];

		this.menu.add(this.options[0], this.options[1]);

		for(var i=0; i<this.options.length; i++){
			this.options[i].on('click', this.fireUpdate, this);
			this.options[i].on('checkchange', this.fireUpdate, this);

     * @private
     * Template method that is to get and return the value of the filter.
     * @return {String} The value of this filter
    getValue : function () {
		return this.options[0].checked;

     * @private
     * Template method that is to set the value of the filter.
     * @param {Object} value The value to set the filter
	setValue : function (value) {
		this.options[value ? 0 : 1].setChecked(true);

     * @private
     * Template method that is to get and return serialized filter data for
     * transmission to the server.
     * @return {Object/Array} An object or collection of objects containing
     * key value pairs representing the current configuration of the filter.
    getSerialArgs : function () {
		var args = {type: 'boolean', value: this.getValue()};
		return args;

     * Template method that is to validate the provided Ext.data.Record
     * against the filters configuration.
     * @param {Ext.data.Record} record The record to validate
     * @return {Boolean} true if the record is valid within the bounds
     * of the filter, false otherwise.
    validateRecord : function (record) {
		return record.get(this.dataIndex) == this.getValue();